Endodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that especially deals with root canal treatment by treating the inside of the tooth, specifically the pulp, nerves, and surrounding tissues. Our specialist endodontist is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to preserve natural teeth and relieve pain and discomfort caused by damaged or infected pulp.

Our Endodontics Treatments Include

  • Root Canal: Root canal is a common procedure to remove damaged or infected pulp and relieve pain and discomfort. Our team of endodontists will ensure that the procedure is performed with minimal discomfort.
  • Apicoectomy: An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the end of the root and the surrounding infected tissue. Our team of endodontists will work with you to determine the best course of action and provide comprehensive care throughout the entire process.
  • Trauma and Emergency Care: In the event of a dental emergency, our team is equipped to provide timely and effective care to alleviate pain and prevent further damage to the teeth and surrounding tissues.
  • Endodontic Retreatment: Endodontic retreatment is a procedure to address previously treated teeth that have become infected or damaged. Our team of endodontists will work with you to determine the best course of action and provide comprehensive care throughout the entire process.
  • Surgical Endodontics: Surgical endodontics is a specialized form of endodontic treatment used to access the root canal and surrounding tissues in complex cases. Our team of endodontists is highly trained and experienced in surgical endodontics and will provide personalized, comprehensive care.